How do the memberships work?

Once a month, usually around the 15th, a new booklist is issued for the following month. Once you have received notification that your new booklist is here, you will log into your account and download it. You can then order the book titles from your library or a book store. Once you have the books, on each day of the month read the book suggested, enjoy the enrichment activities that your family wants to and cook a yummy recipe!

How do you use the memberships?

In our family, we like to read the daily picture book during Morning Time. This is one of the first books we read every school morning. The whole family is usually present from the baby to the high-schooler. And many college students have been known to stop what they were doing to eavesdrop.

This is a simple story reading endeavor, nothing more, nothing less. We all gather on the couch and adjoining comfy spots and mom reads the story.

After reading the story, we share our thoughts on it. Sometimes we cry and pass the tissue box around. Or we laugh over someone’s wild idea and rejoice at their triumph over difficulties. We discuss the pictures, the content and the historical time.

Then we also join in one or more of the activities based on the book. I suggest 2 to 5 activities per picture book title. Always keeping in mind that if I wouldn’t bother doing the activities because it is too complicated or time consuming, you wouldn’t either! I keep it simple, exciting and worthy of our time. 

Is it only for homeschoolers?

No! A Daily Picture Book booklists are meant for any parent, grandparent or babysitter who wants to spend some time with the children in their lives and explore new worlds. The main objective of A Daily Picture memberships is to provide families with a foundation on which to build family culture and family unity while igniting wonder and excitement through picture books.

So, choose the membership that best fits your family! Come join us on this wonderful adventure with a daily picture book!

Booklover Membership:

You will receive as many picture book titles a month as I can find! 
Along with each title you will receive activities and foods to deep dive into the life of the historical character or the historical event depicted in the picture book.

Bookworm Membership:

You will receive 10 book titles a month! 
Along with each title you will receive activities and foods to deep dive into the life of the historical character or the historical event depicted in the picture book.

Bookling Membership:

You will receive 5 book titles a month! 
Along with each title you will receive activities and foods to deep dive into the life of the historical character or the historical event depicted in the picture book.

Let me know if you have any questions!