Discovering the World of Beatrix Potter


A Forage into the world of Beatrix Potter: her stories, her art and herself. Come join us! Best for a first encounter with Beatrix Potter, while Beatrix Potter, a Forage is a more in depth study of Beatrix Potter herself.


Beatrix Potter is one of my favorite author/illustrator and in honor of her birthday, July 28th, I would like to offer you a wonderful Forage*, for all ages, about herself and her work.
This has been planned for 4 days a week, with Friday as your catch up day. It does not include the 3Rs. It is assumed that they are a staple of your homeschool and that you already have a curriculum for them.
This Forage will give you a complete booklist and ideas to deepen your experience as well as a detailed 6 weeks schedule.
You will also be able to enjoy much Berry Picking* for a full immersion in the world of Beatrix Potter and her arts.

*Forage: a unit study.
*Berry Picking: the different subjects or topics in the Forage.