Favorite Bedtime Stories, Part 1
Here is a non exhaustive list of half a dozen books or so of bedtime stories for each stage of your child’s growing up years. Remember that you cannot read everything to them in 18 years under your roof, so pick the best! The best is what you enjoy most and what they enjoy most. Let story time begin!
Encouragement: I would like to encourage to ensure that all bedtime stories should be physical books. There is something so very special about reading from a physical book that cannot be substituted.
Babies love being held, that is no news. But they also love bright images, colors as well as being talked to. Board books are a perfect fit for little ones. They are small and can be held in one hand, leaving the other to hold Baby. We have many, many favorite board books at our house but since the goal of this post is to help you get started, or to refresh your bookshelves, let’s start with half a dozen of our very favorite bedtime stories for babies.

Babies, by Ros Asquith, illustrated by Sam Williams
This one is my personal favorite! It is a very sweet, rhyming story about all the different kinds of babies from dribbly babies to giggly babies. And the very best part is the last page that always triggers a giggly baby. Oh so sweet baby giggles! I can never get enough of them. I especially recommend this one for a day when you are tired and don’t feel like it, the giggles will lift up your spirit and baby’s. Then a good snuggle and off to bed.

Guess How Much I Love You, by Sam McBratney, illustrated by Anita Jeram
This one is a classic. Big Nutbrown Hare is trying to put Little Nutbrown Hare to sleep but Little Nutbrown Hare won’t have it until he knows how much he is loved. This will speak to parents and babies alike. Love is at the core of all of our relationships. Beautiful illustrations and sweet, memorisable text. A must have in all nurseries.

Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes, by Mem Fox, illustrated by Helen Oxenbury
The sweetness of Helen Oxenbury’s rolly polly babies and the wonderful rhythmic text are a scrumptious combination of everything a baby’s bedtime story should be. One of our family’s favorites, you will be reading it for many years.

Mommies Say Shhhh, by Patricia Polacco
Oh, Patricia Polacco! I don’t think there is a more beautiful depiction of the sweet mothers surrounded by their little ones in any other picture book. I just love this one! Super simple text, engaging, and gorgeous illustrations. Every single one of my children picked this one when I asked them to pick their favorite baby’s picture book.

Mommy Hugs and Daddy Kisses, by Anne Gutman, illustrated by Georg Hallensleben
This triggers all kind of cuddling and giggling, a perfect end of the day read. I love their fun illustrations, babies love the animals, and we all love the cuddles. Again very simple text to keep Baby’s attention and bright illustrations to attract his eyes.

Classic BabyLit series, by Jennifer Adams, illustrated by Alison Oliver
A nursery staple for any literature loving family. For my youngest these are actually the only things I put on the baby shower wish list, lol! They are so good and so fun and when you know the classic stories that inspired them they are just perfect! You need all of them, you can’t get just one or two, sorry.
This is where the fun really begins! Toddlers awaken a little more each day to the world around them and start to really understand the stories and make them their own. It was so hard to pick only a handful of books for this. As we all know picture books are supposed to only be for toddlers, right? (oh yes, lots of sarcasm in there, lol). So here are some of our very, very favorites, but definitely a non exhaustive list.

We’re Going on a Bear Hunt, by Helen Oxenbury and Michael Rosen
I just love, love, love this one! We have read it so many times and yet we still enjoy it! What can be more perfect than that? We’ve made many adaptations based on it from road trips to doing the laundry. Enjoy!

The Napping House by Audrey Wood, illustrated by Don Wood
Such a funny one in both rhymes and pictures, a thoroughly enjoyable tale of what happens when everyone in the house goes to sleep except for a wakeful flea… So good!
We also love The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry and the Big Hungry Bear by the same duo.

The Gruffalo by Jullia Donaldson, illustrated by Axel Scheffler
Oh the many voices you can practice with this one! Too much fun! Another one you do not get tired of reading! Just so wonderfully fun!

Eric Carle
Any of Eric Carle’s picture books are true treasures for toddlers (and beyond). So much to learn, to re-enact, to discover through each book! I am trying to stick to bedtime stories but it’s really hard! We like The Very Hungry Caterpillar, The Very Busy Spider, and The Very Lonely Firefly in particular for bedtime.

Curious George by H.A. Rey and Margaret Rey
We love the original stories way more than the ones that were added later. This mischievous little monkey is a great way for toddlers to learn what not to do. He embodies every child’s discovery of the world and curiosity while being terribly endearing.

The World of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter
Please get the small books, not one big one, pretty please! Beatrix designed the size of these books for little hands on purpose. These sweet tales and their beautiful watercolor illustrations are so nostalgic of yesterdays and bring such peace and comfort. I just love, love them!

Lois Lenski
Lois Lenski is better known for Strawberry Girl, but her collection of board books are amazing! Each Small or Little book is perfect for toddlers, the illustrations are bright and simple, the text is very simple and describes a day in the life of… . Highly recommended.
Growing up picture books
I will arrange these from younger to older children and mostly by author as that is the way we roll around here. Once we find a favorite author, we’ve got to acquire the whole collection!

Bear Books by Karma Wilson, illustrated by Jane Chapman
The Bear Books by Karma Wilson, illustrated by Jane Chapman are a great first foray into more mature picture books. Bear and his friends appeal to small people and portrait beautiful friendship and family life.

Madeline by Ludwig Bemelmans
“In an old house in Paris…”, oh the delight in such a beginning! It tickles all of my curiosity. The story of Madeline is sweet and simple but once you dig in a little bit it is so rich! You can visit Paris without leaving your home, you encounter wonderful little girls and your little one will learn to say “Poopoo to the tiger in the zoo”. Or in other words she will learn that you can overcome your fears. Love it!

Jan Brett
Any book by Jan Brett will be a win! Lovers of animal beware, you will love these books! The illustrations are so rich that you will find something new at each reading, even if you’ve read it 10 times. The stories are often spin-offs of classics and give them new life! Goldilocks and the Three Bears under the sea? Oh so good!

Tomie dePaola
My best favorite author/illustrator (as my 4 yo would say) is Tomie dePaola. Fom Strega Nona to his Christmas books, I love each one of them. We actually have an on going competition in the family of who owns the most Tomie dePaola picture books (I’m winning, don’t worry). You can’t go wrong with Tomie.

Dr. Seuss
What can I say about the genius of Ted Geisel?? I wonder if you could write a character building curriculum using only Dr. Seuss books? I bet you could. His stories are just so unique, so wonderful and so full of lessons. And his pictures are just tremendous. I grew up without Dr. Seuss and it was a cultural adjustment when my husband brought home The Foot Book for our oldest but now, I love Dr. Seuss. My Favorite is You Are Only Old Once: A Book for Obsolete Children.

Steven Kellogg
Steven Kellogg is another genius author/illustrator.
Better known for his Pinkerton books, I personally love his Tall Tales books best. They are full of humor, delightful illustrations and far fetched ideas. They will quickly become family favorites.
More to come soon
I am working on Part 2 with longer picture books and transitioning to chapter books. Coming soon!