Not Just for Homeschoolers
Is A Daily Picture Book just for homeschoolers? NO! My tagline reflects that. A Daily Picture wants to ignite wonder and excitement in children, and their grown ups, no matter their academic affiliation.
What is A Daily Picture Book?
A Daily Picture Book was born from my desire to provide my children with a well rounded education, deep, meaningful relationships, wonder, excitement and beauty. To read an illustrated book together, every day, brings this to life. A Daily Picture Book is simply an opportunity to learn, grow and enjoy literature together as a family on a daily basis. Any family, anywhere can pick up a picture book and enjoy it together.
Refer to A Daily Picture Born Part 1 and Part 2, as well as A Daily Picture Book: A Definition for more details but that is the jest of it.

Who should read A Daily Picture Book?
Everyone! A Daily Picture is a wonderful opportunity to wonder and be excited together as a family. Or maybe while staying at Grandma and Grandpa’s house is a great time for them to read and discover with their grandchildren. They will most likely have a completely different insight than Mom and Dad, creating a whole new conversation.
Maybe the babysitter likes to read picture books to your kiddos, why not have some activities to go along with the book, or even a recipe that they could make together? This would enlarge her horizon as well as theirs and imagine the wonderful memory that they would make together!
Why should you use A Daily Picture?
Why not just read the picture book and move on? Because, hopefully, the well curated picture book has ignited your curiosity. You want to know more about this artist, or this politician, or the ship’s voyage. You are wondering, you are excited. What else is there to find out about this person? I was just reading about Robert Fulton (birthday: November 14th), the father of steamships. Did you know that he and his partner had the foresight to ask the state of New York for the monopoly of all steamship transportation in the whole state of New York for 10 years? Why would they do that? What was the result of this contract? So many questions! Let’s look for the answers together.

Curiosity: “inquisitive interest”. Curiosity is an action, it pushes us to investigate, to research, to look up the details, to reach out to find the answers.
Being curious is actually important for our whole well being! If you google “why is curiosity important?” You will be surprised at the number of articles that pop up!
Curiosity helps us to try something new, it helps us ask questions, listen, observe, search for answers. It helps us open up to others, creates conversations, memories and creates a bond between us.
Wonder: “The emotion aroused by something awe-inspiring, astounding, or surprising”. Wow, picture books always do provide in that department for sure! I always cry when it’s a sad picture book or when the story is so awe inspiring that happy tears come. Emotions are definitely present while reading picture books, the illustrations help enhance this for sure. Wonder is at the core of our human capacity to love and to bond with others. Through wondering together we create a bond that reinforces our love for each other. We wonder together in Faith, in nature, in what the future will bring, why not wonder together through literature?

Excitement: “Something that excites”, “ to call to activity, to energize, to stimulate”. Picture books always trigger my excitement, my imagination, they do truly energize me. I would rather read a picture book with my children, even the older ones, than a chapter book any day! We can read the book in one sitting, looking at all the pictures together, we don’t have to wait until the next day, or the next to find out what happens next. We can, in one sitting, get the whole picture, the whole story. It is so stimulating to be able to know, and to be able to dwell in knowing. And then to become curious and to wonder about the details or the bigger picture or the new art technique that we have just read about. Or the scientific method that allowed for this or that discovery.
What are the benefits of A Daily Picture Book?
The main benefit is bonding over literature, over well written and well illustrated literature. The next benefit is to do what others have done from time immemorial: they have been curious, they have wondered, they have been excited. A Daily Picture Book is the conveyance to teaching our children to be human. As we discover that artists, scientists, astronauts, farmers, humans in general have achieved their accomplishment through curiosity, wonder and excitement; we learn to follow suit by being curious, wondering and being excited.

This education that we pass down to our children, as we learn alongside them, is priceless and it only takes about 20 to 30 minutes a day! Every day we can nourish their minds with beauty, wonder, excitement, and curiosity while creating deep, meaningful relationships. We create relationships with ourselves, our family unit, but also with the world at large through the encounter of historical figures and events. We become even more deeply part of the human race and the world we live in.
Every family, no matter their academic affiliation, needs beauty, wonder, excitement, curiosity and deep, meaningful relationships. We all benefit, parents and children, and the best part is that we can invite our family and friends to join us in this adventure of life!